Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chimney Rock Hike

Yesterday (Saturday) Jack and I decided to head out of town for a bit and go for a short hike. We read about a hike at Ghost Ranch that took us to the top of Chimney Rock. Even though it was a short hike it was pretty steep so I was definitely winded. The views were incredible at the top and the weather was perfect, blue skies, 43* temps but felt like the 60s because of the dry air and the blazing sun. It was awesome. We took a picnic with us and later drove to a nearby lake/dam/river thing and ate there. It was fun and relaxing and exactly what we needed.

Starting up the trail!

We had to bust through the gate...or just open it and let it slowly shut behind us.

I see our final destination in the background...and Jack upfront!

Chimney Rock!

The top of the chimney peaking over the top of the mesa.

It's a long way down there.

Pretty view. Abiquiu Lake in the distance.

White peaks in the distance can also be seen (much closer) from our condo! Have I mentioned how much I love living out here!?

w00t! Living life on the edge.

Found a great rock to take this one for us.

Just leanin' on a log.

Posing...but really the background is what you should be looking at.

Headed down the trail.

I just think Mesas are so stinkin' cool!!

Just a house with a great view.

Picnic area!!

freezing water from the bottom of the lake

Found a great picnic table to snap this one for us. So selfless it was.

Ice covered parts of the lake. But the day felt great outside!


Julie said...

totally reminds me of Tucson! I'm jealous!!

Kara @ Just1Step said...

That looks like such an awesome hike. :) Hopefully someday I'll get to come visit and see the sites!