Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Heart Day!

It's Valentine's Day and what a beautiful day it is here in NM!! I've was able to hit up the hill this morning and it was awesome! The temps were so high that it was super comfortable riding the lift and the breeze going down the mountain was enough to cool you off but not make you cold. Wonderful!!! There weren't many people up there (thankfully, since it was Monday) so I felt like I had the place to myself. I mainly stayed on the upper mountain and tried doing some faster runs (got up to 45.2mph, wowsas!) and did a few moguls. Still really need to work on those. I can make it down without falling but I don't feel very proficient at it or in control.

Looking forward to small group tonight, discussing what true fellowship between believers looks like. Man, if only I had known these things years ago! But, better late than never. I desire to be a true friend and have right fellowship with my fellow believers. What a difference it can make in our lives if we are truly seeking to know each other on a deeper level, not afraid to be vulnerable with each other, confess sin, be open to instruction and to truly love one another as Christ loves the church, serve each other and be there for each other. So thankful for a small group that is desiring to look like that! 

After small group we are headed to J&K's to finally watch Nacho Libre and we decided to turn it into a slumber party while we're at it!! Staying up in the Secret City tonight, should be fun. 

My friend posted about Dave Barnes on her blog today and while I had heard his songs before I feel like I'd like to post a few that I feel are appropriate for today, the day of hearts the day of love. Hope you enjoy these :) 

Happy <3 day everyone! Love you all, very much!!! 

Happy v-day Jack!! Five years and counting! So thankful for you! I love you very much and look forward to our lifetime together!
Jack and me in Argentina, days after he proposed :)
2 years of marriage :)
3 years, hiking in the Smokies!

4 years, visiting our old stomping grounds in Cinci!

5 years!!! And many more to come!

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