Monday, February 7, 2011


Pumped that I am actually up to date on my read through the Bible in a year plan. Probably the first time ever. Praying I'll persevere and make it this year! LOVING the fact that I am enjoying time in the Word. Feel like the Lord is teaching me a lot and that I'm gleaning from what I'm reading. Hopefully when I get into the long lists of genealogies that God will help me learn and grow from those as well. Those are like the times when running right before your heart rate goes up to beat in a steady fast pace and you feel like you're all out of breath and all you want to do is quit because it seems so hard but if you can run for a few more minutes your heart gets regular and steady and beats strong and you feel like you can run forever...aka Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Chronicles....just keep reading, just keep reading, just keep reading, reading, reading. And this is rambley so I will stop for now. Some pictures and longer posts to come. We just got back this afternoon from about 10 days in NC. Now off to small group! Man I missed the mountains, dry air, snow, beauty, friends of NM!!! :)


Kara @ Just1Step said...

It was great to see you!! Good job on the reading plan. I just started mine over last night. I'm trying to figure out a way for studying the Bible that works for me, and it's a struggle! I keep falling away. Hopefully this time I'll persevere...

Becky said...

Hey Kara! You can do it! I think the key is not making it such a legalistic idea or just a box to check off every day. I think that even if you don't make it through in a year, there is still a ton of fruit that comes from just being in the Word and really studying it to know Christ more! I'll be praying for you! It was so good to see you guys as well. Thanks for hosting such a good party!