Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Jack and I have been, together, desiring to grow in our prayer life. I think God was preparing us. Praying right now for stuff going on that I beg each of you reading this to pray along with us. We know that God is powerful, sovereign, mighty, Holy, good, our friend, our judge, our help in time of need. Praising God for his infinite wisdom! Praying in faith, even faith as small as a mustard seed. Praying for mountains to move. So to all the prayer warriors out there, let's go to "battle" together. Pray in the Spirit. Thank you.


Jennie said...

Well, Becky, this is what I'm again working on. You guys have a bigger headstart than me! Great plan. God wants us to work with him! Aren't we fortunate?!

Becky said...

Yeah Jennie! As Jack and I have been working on our prayer life, big things have come up to pray for! God works like that! Miss you!! And currently working on a post right now :)