Sunday, May 8, 2011

April [showers] brings May [flowers]...

And May brings: BIRTHDAYS and MOTHER'S DAY!!!

Yesterday was Brian's 28th birthday and from the looks of Brian and Debbie's blog he seemed to have enjoyed it! Happy birthday to a wonderful brother-in-law! You are fantastic friend and husband to your wifey! Thanks for everything you do and hope you celebrated well!!!

Wedding day, March 1, 2008

Sister's wedding 10.2010

Brian trying on a pair of jeans for Jack...a wee bit snug!

Just loved this picture from our July 4th family camping trip. Hilarious!!

And today being Mother's day I thought I would honor some special mothers in my life! First off, Karen Lee Brewer!! She's a fantastic mom, always up for having a good time, loves to laugh and tells awesome stories. She has loved each of her daughters unconditionally and I am so thankful for her. Mom, thanks for everything you've done for me throughout my life, be it being a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear when I needed to vent, paying my way through college (wooo!!), supporting me as I moved to Argentina, words of wisdom seasoned with grace and love or even a rebuke for something ridiculous I was up to and for loving me and Jack the way you do. I'm thankful for all of those moments. You are special and I'm thankful the Lord chose you to be my mom!!
My Beautiful Mom!!

Jennie Lorraine Galloway - you are such a wonderful mother-in-law! Thanks for always taking an interest in what Jack and I are up to! Thanks for taking the time to call and email us even when we are slow to respond. Thanks for taking the effort to come see us no matter where we are living! You are a wonderful mother to Jack and he talks often of how thankful he is for you. I couldn't ask for a more caring and wonderful mother-in-law!! Thankful for you!
My Beautiful Mother-in-law!

Tracy Kathryn Walton - not only are you a fabulous sister you are a good mother, too. I enjoy seeing how you care for your daughter and love her through thick and thin. You take interest in what she is doing and show excitement for the things she gets excited about. You are a neat example of God's grace and you strive to show her His love for her every opportunity you get and that is neat. While things may not be exactly how we might have planned we know and trust in God's sovereignty in working in Keirsy's life! Keep seeking His face and we trust His will! I love you, Tracy! Keep striving to be the best mother you can be!! Happy Mother's day!
My beautiful sister Tracy (in the back) with daughter Keirsten and my other sis Debbie!!

Julie Galloway Lanford - how fun it must be to get to celebrate your very first Mother's day!! It has been so fun to watch the progression of being pregnant, to having sweet KyLee and now getting to see you be a Mommy! It's so neat to watch you light up with joy at her antics, to talk sweetly to her as she coos and babbles at you and the way you and Jon love her. You are a wonderful mother to her and you delight in her which is enjoyable to watch. I hope you have a fantastic Mother's day and enjoy that little bundle of energy and sweetness!
Four Generations!: l-r KyLee, Julie, Grama Jo, Jennie!! Love it!
And to all the other Mommies I know: Alinna, Whitney, Rebecca, Alisa, Carol, Brooke, Chrissy, Erin, Jess B (soon to be!), Julie (soon to be!), Kara M. and Kara S., Kyla, Aunt Becky, and Vanessa (and so many others, I'm sure) I hope you have a wonderful Mother's day and I'm thankful for each one of you and the example you have been to me of what a Godly mother looks like. One day I hope to be as great a mom as each of you!


Kyla Marks said...

Love you Becky and miss you too! I hope you two are doing well and we can't wait for the next time you are out this way!

Brian said...

thanks becky!!

Becky said...

Hey Kyla! Miss you, too, girl! Miss those Thursday nights (even though I know y'all are on Sunday nights now:) )Hope things are going well! What's your blog so I can read your reviews and rank them!?! Let me know!

Jennie said...

Thank you for your kind words, Becky. Being a Mom is a blessing from God. I know you will be a wonderful one too!