Thursday, March 10, 2011

What's up ahead!

The blog has gotten a little cold lately simply because....I started working!! What an answer to prayer. Thankful for my job. I'm excited to be working in the local hospital in the ICU and since it's a fairly small ICU setting I'll be in I get to experience a LOT of new types of patients I've never worked with. My background is cardiac nursing and that truly is where my heart is (haha no pun intended) but now I get to work with pediatric patients (never done that before) all the way up to the oldies. It's fascinating to me! Last week I had a 2 month old and a 5 year old! What a huge change from what I'm used to working with but I LOVED it :). It was different having a parent there assisting with things, asking all the questions, etc and that will definitely be something I have to get used to but for the most part it was fascinating to me to do an assessment on a baby (had never done that except in nursing school and those babies were healthy) so I know I have a lot of learning to do but I'm excited about it. I have 2 more weeks on night shift and then I'm back on days from there on out. Honestly, I function really well on nights but days work out better having a husband and all :). It's nice, Jack and I carpool at times to work if he wants to get to work early so that's fun, too! But because of all this, sadly the blog got neglected. However, I'm going to work hard on keeping it updated on what we are up to.

We are looking forward to our house guests that arrive TONIGHT!!! I'll spend the rest of today getting the house cleaned (thankfully the guest room is good to go!) and then bright and early tomorrow morning we are headed to Pagosa Springs, CO for some snowboarding fun! Wolf Creek Ski Area is some of the best snow in CO and it's awesome because it's so much cheaper then all the fancy, popular places (who wants to go were it's crowded anyways?!?). They just had a storm roll through yesterday that dropped about 2 feet of powder (awesome) so we're gonna spend Friday and Saturday up there. Thankfully Jack and I have been freshening up our skills on our own ski hill and have been working on our moguls and our blacks so we're confident we can at least keep up with our friends out there! Jack and I have also been working on jumps and have landed a few of them. Haha, there's this one run that connects to another run that was always fun to jump when you transitioned but just the other day as Jack came down the hill he mentioned to me, hey did you see that sign that said "no jumping?" Hahah, nope! Oops. That's ok, there were other places to practice. We've also been working on getting comfortable going down the hill with our right foot forward (goofy footed, since Jack and I normalyl both go down with our left foot forward) so that we could easily transition from one foot to another. We worked on it for a while going down some blues and were both actually getting pretty good at it (man, talk about taking you back to the first day on the slopes, it was like learning how to snowboard for the first time all over again) so we were going faster and whatnot. Well I had a pretty hard fall at one point, caught my edge and hit my face on the ground! Haha, I came up and was a little shaken but thankfully nothing really hurt except for my chin and my cheek that hit the ground so I shook it off, told Jack about it, complained about it on the ski lift ride up but then just forgot about it. By the time we got home I had some nice scrapes on my cheek and chin and it was a little puffy. Oops! Jack and I laughed because it looked like I had gotten in a fight. He told me I can't be doing that often because then people may start to think he was beating me! "Sure, Becky, you "fell" snowboarding again..." :) Jack also had a pretty hard fall that day as well. No fault of his own though. We had just come off a black and were tracking over to one of my favorite blues (Old Burro Runout) that's full of moguls and Jack was just about to head down the run and I was about 10-15 feet behind him when I see this skier come off a black just above the blue completely out of control. One leg was way up in the air, her poles were flying in all sorts of directions and it was like watching in slow motion. She came across the trail I was on and slammed into the back of Jack! She wiped him out. He fell and literally landed right on her head (I don't remember if she had a helmet on or not) and then they went sliding off into the trees! I came up to find out if they were ok. Thankfully neither was really hurt (maybe her pride was a bit) but poor Jack was stuck on top of her. The only way he could get off was to put all his weight on top of her and roll his board off! I felt bad for her. She said sorry and mumbled something about how deep the snow was as she collected her gear. It was pretty funny later as Jack and I were discussing it :) So we got back on our boards and headed down the mountain. Jack couldn't stop processing how it happened. Anyways, all that to say...we really enjoy snowboarding and can't wait for the fun filled weekend ahead of us. On top of it all, Jack turns 30 on Saturday!!!! We'll be coming back from CO but I'm hoping we'll get to celebrate with some friends around here :)

And one last note...still excited to be working through my Bible reading plan. Almost through Leviticus. It's harder to keep up now that I'm working but I'm thankful that God has put it on my heart to keep this up this year. Two and half months in....slow and steady :)

1 comment:

Debbie said...

becky, your description of the out of control skier was hilarious. i couldn't stop laughing!!